Let me Empower YOU…

I created these self-paced and easy-to-understand courses so you can learn in the comfort of your own home. These are the things that I wish I would have known when I was struggling to feel normal and healthy again, years ago…

 Explore Germaine’s Courses

The Foundation You need that No One talks about …

The Blood Sugar Rollercoaster

When our blood sugar levels are off it affects everything … our weight, sleep, energy, ability to think clearly, that 2 pm hangry feeling and intense cravings, mood swings like irritability, anxiety, and even depression. These can all be linked to blood sugar imbalances. Learning to eat in a way that balances your blood sugar levels, is often the single most important thing you can do to see dramatic improvements in your health issues. This course is built to teach you how to take charge of your metabolism and hormones by understanding what blood sugar truly is and how it effects our bodies. The good news is, learning how to build a proper plate of nutrient-dense food and when to eat can have profound effects on correcting these issues! Curious, tap the link below and find out…

The Goal:
Increased Mental Clarity
Increased Energy Throughout the Day
Decreased Weight
Decreased Cravings
Better Sleep
Improved Hormonal Balance
Improved Mood

A Must for Every Kitchen

Nourish 101- How to Nourish Yourself in our Modern World

Restocking your kitchen to help you take back your health and age with vitality. This is such a foundational lesson. In our modern times, we have forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors. They knew the foods that naturally strengthened their immune systems, and kept their hormones and gut in good health. It was real nutrient dense food. This course outlines the foods that are most important to prioritize in order to flood your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. We cover why we need quality fats, proteins, and carbs and how to pick them. What to prioritize daily to maximize your vitamin goals, what foods will optimize your gut health and support your hormone levels, and how to properly prepare these foods. How these foods can help us to look the best as we age, because they’re packed with the building blocks we need to keep us healthy and full of vitality. We also cover how to shop with a Nourishing mindset and how to incorporate these foods into your family meals. You will learn how to take this ancient wisdom and incorporate it into our modern world. These foods are still delicious, and family friendly … trust me, this isn’t about eating celery sticks all day - far from it! You will get a shopping list and a 7 day menu to get you started!

The Goal:
Improved Immune System
Improved Mood
Improved Energy
Improved Mental Clarity
Improved Skin, Nail and Hair

Not feeling like yourself? Tried every fad out there?

Hormones & Metabolism, Your Way Back to YOU

When our hormones are off, everything feels off. This is because our hormones fuel the lens through which we see and experience life.
This course is intended to explain what’s happening and why.

The Curriculum:
How to build a plate to support your hormones
What foods work for and against your hormones (this might surprise you)
How to support your liver … pivotal to supporting your hormones
How to manage stress and why this plays an important role in hormonal balance
Mindset and happiness
How to increase your sleep to help your body heal
Cleaning up toxins and toxic exposure
Lifestyle hacks that will change everything
21 day Meal plan included to get you started
Shopping list for everything you will need to make these shifts seamless

The Goal:
Improved Hormonal Functions
Effortless Weight Management
Improved Mood and Mental Clarity
Better Sleep
PMS Free

Meet Germaine!

Germaine's journey to founding Nourished + Empowered began with her own health struggles. As a young woman, she struggled with chronic fatigue, anxiety, and digestive issues that left her feeling tired and unwell. Despite seeking medical help, Germaine found that traditional Western medicine was not providing the answers she needed.