Good, Clean Fun!

Why does clean wine matter?

This girl loves a great glass of wine!  And ever more so, to pair a great glass with an equally amazing bite!  However, first and foremost, I want to feel my best and not negate all the health practices I’ve laid the foundations for!   Wine, in moderation, can be a great source of anti inflammatories because of the resveratrol found in them, especially red wine.
But not all wines are created equal. Just like processed foods, many wines are often made with chemnical additives, sugar, and additional sulfites. These additives can take a toll on us over time and don't contribute to any health benefits of drinking wine. If we're gonna clean up our food, it's a good thing to think about cleaning up what we drink, too.  That's why I decided to partner with Scout & Cellar Wines. Their wines are:
  •  Wine made from grapes grown without toxic pesticides 
  • Wines produced without artificial processing ingredients, like added sugar 
  • And wines that are low in sulfites 

OK. Now I need the wine. How do I order?

Simply click the link below and follow the steps to order al the clean wine!